Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Cam's 6th Birthday!

Cam has turned 6 this year... had a great time at various parties and events, thanks to everyone for helping make this a great event for him! 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Halloween night 2011

Here is what our boys dressed up as for Halloween this year since that love to play this game over and over again....

Friday, October 21, 2011

Family Halloween party 2011


We had a Halloween party at our house on Oct. 15th with the Fuller family which was a lot of fun not all could come but who did come had a blast and lots of yummy treats and games to play so thanks for all that came and hope next year we can have more coming.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

First Day of School

First day of school for Brady (3rd Grade) and Cam (Kindergarten).

Aug. Snowbird Trip

Back at Snowbird for a favorite trip of the boys before school starts...

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day Camp - Cub Scouts

Cub Scout Day Camp - Brady and me July 9, 2011
 I was just called as Den Leader to Wolf Den and it's been hard but fun to hang out with the boys in Brady's group.  I know most of them from Brady's classes so it makes it is to work with them.  Here is what we did at Day Camp and I tried most of it and they all had fun too.

Summer fun 2011

Here is some summer fun, Cam and Brady very into Monster trucks and then Mick has been hiking more this year then we went to a work party and got face painting done and boys had a lot of different balloon animals made.  So far enjoying.

Brady turns 8

Brady turns 8 this year wow getting so big, but all he really wanted was a lego train set which he got and as you can see the box of what he got.

End of School Year - Brady

Brady just finished 2nd grade with Mrs. Goff, what a great year and thanks for all you did for him.  I know he really enjoyed this year and meet some new friends too.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Boondocks in May 2011

A family trip to Boondocks in Kaysville in May.  The boys had a great time.  Brady drove a go-cart by himself for the first time and loved it.  Cam was a bit smaller and had to ride with dad.  They also enjoyed some miniature golf, some water boats and the arcade stuff inside.  Dad even did a round in the batting cages!

Preschool Graduation for Cam - May 12th

Cam's Preschool Graduation on May 12th, his teacher did a great job with the program and had them sang some cute songs and show off some of the skills they had learned in school. Afterwards he got a special  treat from Nana and Papa, which he enjoyed. So proud of him and I know he will do great in Kindergarten and love being there.