Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Brady's Tow truck

Pictures of Brady's tow truck for his first grade "car party" at the end of this month.

Brady's zoo feidl trip for 1st grade

Brady's first grade class went to the zoo today. The kids had a great time, the weather was excellent and we saw a lot of animals.

Cameron - Field Trip to J&J Garden

Cameron's pre-school took a field trip to J&J Gardens in Layton. Cameron even brought home a plant for mom for Mother's Day.

Cam the Pirate

Here are some shots of our pirate son Cameron, including his Matchbox pirate ship and octopus, swordfighting with Papa (who has a hook!) and his one sock "peg leg" outfit. He also recently got another pirate ship (by Imaginext) that he just loves, complete with a giant whale and skeleton warriors!