Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Cam's 5th Birthday...

Cam had a few different parties this year so it was a lot of fun and he enjoyed all the friends and family that came.  As you can see what he wanted instead of cake was McDonalds cinnamon melts.  He got an “Angry Octopus” from us which he carries everywhere now.  We then went to his favorite restaurant (Taco Time) for dinner which he loved and enjoyed time playing with his cousins.  Thanks to everyone for coming and enjoying his 5th birthday.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Trick or Treat - 2010

Brady wanted to be a train engineer which he just loves trains and Cam wanted to be a scary skeleton which also glows in the dark too. So they had alot of fun and got to see some of their friends too.

Carving Pumpkins

The boys after carving pumpkins, which they turned out so cute.

Black Island Farms Field Trip

Cam's preschool went to Black Island Farms and we could bring extras so Tab's family came along and it was a lot of fun as you can see from the pictures. We did train ride, slides, shot corn, pick a pumpkin and hay ride then at the end did a big corn maze which they all enjoyed.

Dino Park - October

As a family we all took the day off and went to the Dino Park which was a lot fun.

First Day of school for the boys

Brady is in 2nd grade now and Cam's last year of Preschool...

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Snowbird Family Trip

Heading to the playground....
At the playground, Brady climbing the wall.

Cam and dad playing the pool.
Cam and dad riding the Alpine Slide.
Brady diggining for gems and found a lot.

Family vacation to Snowbird August 2010. Kids had a blast, love the pool, playground, Alpine Slide (which Cam rode for the first time and loved) and the mining area. Weather was great and a nice vacation close to home before summer ends and school starts up again.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Brady's 7th Birthday

Brady's 7th birthday party....

Brady turned 7 on June 30th and wanted to have friends over for a Lego party so here are some fun times at his party and then late with us the family opening his gift from us.

playing is new pirate pool

The boys needed a new pool so I found online a pirate pool which was so cute so I bought it and they wanted to play with it so here they are.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Brady's Tow truck

Pictures of Brady's tow truck for his first grade "car party" at the end of this month.

Brady's zoo feidl trip for 1st grade

Brady's first grade class went to the zoo today. The kids had a great time, the weather was excellent and we saw a lot of animals.

Cameron - Field Trip to J&J Garden

Cameron's pre-school took a field trip to J&J Gardens in Layton. Cameron even brought home a plant for mom for Mother's Day.

Cam the Pirate

Here are some shots of our pirate son Cameron, including his Matchbox pirate ship and octopus, swordfighting with Papa (who has a hook!) and his one sock "peg leg" outfit. He also recently got another pirate ship (by Imaginext) that he just loves, complete with a giant whale and skeleton warriors!