Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, May 29, 2009

Wild West Show for Brady's class - 2009

May 28th Brady's class and another did some songs and play about the west which was so cute and his family plus Grandma and Chase came to see him. He did such a good job and it was so cute I cried towards the end realizing that he is not my little boy anymore and will be going to 1st grade this year. He was a cow and got to mow alot and sing so good. He has made us so proud of him and can't wait to see what more he will learn in school.

New Car for Em

So as you can see we have a new car for me which I'm loving and already put on flowers in the windows to make it more a girly car. The kids love both and Mick enjoys not waking all of the boys up in the morning for the a ride to the train which is nice.

Brady's bday poster for school - 2009

Brady got to bring in treats and a poster all about him and his favorite trains which he was so happy about.

Train day on Mother's day with the family - 2009

Train day for the family on May 10th, it was a lot of fun we went with Nana and Papa to Golden Spike and saw the two trains which were very pretty. Then we went down to Union Station to the 844 Union Pacific steam engine which was so big and pretty. Also looked at all of the diesel engines they had and more.

Field Trip for Brady's class - May 2009

Today was a big day for the kindergarteners they all got to ride the school bus for a field trip to the Clark Planturium. Brad sat with Mya and Emmi on the bus. In his group was Lindsay, Mya, Chloe, Reyse which had a lot of fun watching a 3D movie of water life.

Day at the Zoo - April

We went to the zoo on a cloudy day which was great and Melanie and Chase, Paige met us there too. It was a lot of fun and rode the train a few times and saw all of the animals even Mick was nice enough to take of the kids into the snake area while Mel and me stood outside to wait. We all thought it would rain during but it didn't and it was fun for all.