Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, December 14, 2009

Cam's new hat

Cam found a new hat today and will be wearing this alot which by the way we think he looks very cute in.

Went to see Santa

The boys went to see Santa and were very excited to tell him what they would like.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Brady's Christmas program

Brady had his school Christmas program at school today and so I was there to watch it and take some pics and video for all to look at. Hope you enjoy and it was fun to watch them all.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Cameron's 4th Birthday

Creepy Cameron turned four years old, and we had a skeleton party for him with family. Anyone who was there can affirm he was the "life of the party". He did enjoy his presents and had a fun weekend in his honor.

Family photos - Nov. 2009

New family photos.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween 2009

Pictures of the boys in their Halloween costumes... Brady, a train driver as usual, and Cameron as Batman.

Dinosaur Park - 10/24/09

Eccles Dinosaur Park - 10/24/2009

We took a fun trip to the Eccles Dinosaur Park in Ogden since the kids have become interested in dinosaurs lately. Brady got to see two of his favorites, the Troodon and the Pteranodon! It is a fun park and well worth the visit.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Brady our big 1st grader

Brady started first grade this week, and we're glad to say everything went great. He really likes his new teacher and class, and even though his best friends Mya and Ben are in other classes he gets to see them at recess several times a day. Some of the challenges of first grade are eating lunch at school, and getting used to much longer days, but so far Brady is loving it and we're very proud of him.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

4th of July Ely Trip

For the 4th of July we took a short trip to Ely, Nevada to ride an old steam engine (number 93) with Mick's family. The ride was fun, the kids loved it, and the fireworks seemed to never end! It also came with a tasty BBQ before the train ride.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Brady's 6th Birthday

Brady turned six years old and we celebrated with a couple of small parties. First, he had his grandparents over and Uncle Bruce and Luis. A couple of days later, he had his friends Mya, Ben and cousin Chase over for party number two to play games and have cake. Both parties were of course train themed. Later he went to his favorite place for dinner, Panda Express for orange chicken and mandarin chicken.

Snowbird 2009

We went to Snowbird in June for a few days. Inbetween the rain, we managed some trips to the pool and the playground which are the kids favorites.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Wild West Show for Brady's class - 2009

May 28th Brady's class and another did some songs and play about the west which was so cute and his family plus Grandma and Chase came to see him. He did such a good job and it was so cute I cried towards the end realizing that he is not my little boy anymore and will be going to 1st grade this year. He was a cow and got to mow alot and sing so good. He has made us so proud of him and can't wait to see what more he will learn in school.

New Car for Em

So as you can see we have a new car for me which I'm loving and already put on flowers in the windows to make it more a girly car. The kids love both and Mick enjoys not waking all of the boys up in the morning for the a ride to the train which is nice.

Brady's bday poster for school - 2009

Brady got to bring in treats and a poster all about him and his favorite trains which he was so happy about.

Train day on Mother's day with the family - 2009

Train day for the family on May 10th, it was a lot of fun we went with Nana and Papa to Golden Spike and saw the two trains which were very pretty. Then we went down to Union Station to the 844 Union Pacific steam engine which was so big and pretty. Also looked at all of the diesel engines they had and more.

Field Trip for Brady's class - May 2009

Today was a big day for the kindergarteners they all got to ride the school bus for a field trip to the Clark Planturium. Brad sat with Mya and Emmi on the bus. In his group was Lindsay, Mya, Chloe, Reyse which had a lot of fun watching a 3D movie of water life.