Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Dec. 27, 2008 - Fuller house

We finally made it to my mom's place and came to see all the family that could come back over on Sat. which was most of them expect Bruce he had to work but was missed. The boys just loved opening more gifts and Brady got a train blanket that he carries everywhere from Aunt Tab's and then shirts, car track, paints. Cameron got a few more diggers, puzzle, shirt. We got movies, games and blanket very cute. Then boys played outside and then with cousins which adults hung out and eat. It was alot of fun and enjoyed every minute of it.

Christmas Day - Dec. 2008

Christmas morning was great the boys slept in till 8:30am and then we opened gifts and which was great. Brady got a lot of train stuff for geo traxs and thomas. Cameron got a lot of diggers, bulldozers. Then after gifts we opened they wanted to play with their new toys. During that I made breakfast and then eat and just relaxed. Then waited to see if the weather would stay nice to go to my mom's places which it didn't and it just snowed alot so we were going to wait till Saturday and see them.

Wenzbauer Party - Dec. 2008

Wenzbauer party was fun and the boys got some great gifts as you can see like trains, diggers and much more. Dinner was nice and enjoying talking to all of the family and see them too. We got home late but was nice so the boys went right to bed.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Cam's 3rd Birthday party - Nov. 15th

Our baby boy is no longer a baby and he is a big boy and just turned 3 on the 15th which we had a Construction party with some family and friends. The boys eat pizza and played games and played with the new toys and ate some digger cake. I know Cam just sat there a lot just watching the party from daddy's lap but he enjoyed it from a distance. After everyone left he got down and played with all of his toys and stuff.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Brady's preschool graduation

May 20th Brady graduated from preschool and they had a preschool program were they acted out a story and then sang some songs which was way cute and he did so well then we came home and had pizza with nana and papa. I'm proud of him and he learned so much from school and it was so nice to see him grow and get ready for kindergarten.